Friday, December 30, 2005

Welcome to !

If you're like me, you've received and given many e-cards as well as REAL greeting cards over your lifetime. I am happy to share with you e-card sites that I have used as well as my special online contact manager for sending REAL greeting cards.

Over the past year I have sent more than 300 REAL greeting cards through the U.S. mail by using my online contact manager. I know ONE local small business that wants to send out nearly 2000 birthday cards this year. You can purchase these real greeting cards, which are sent out remotely, for $3.00 each or less in quantity [including postage]. If you're over 18 in the U.S. or Canada, I can give you a free sample if you're willing to let me guide you through the process of sending a card (or two or three if you're qualified). Once you've done it, it's like riding a bike.

You can click on the title of today's post to visit and fill in your information so I can call you and guide you through the process of sending out a REAL greeting card through your sample online contact manager.

Now for e-cards!

I can't believe that I've been blogging for over a year now. Feel free to check out one of my other blogs at: As of today, my motivational blog is #8 when you search Motivational at That was a nice surprise this morning.

I also find it hard to believe that it's been around 11 years since I asked my roommate Robert if he could get me email. That's how little I knew about the internet then. But I digress...

This is one of the first sites I ever sent an e-card from:

Care2's Race For The Rainforest

If you visit the site above and register, you'll be able to send out e-cards for free. If you're already a member of Care2 and you're logged in, you can go directly to E-Cards and Fun which I have listed in the LINKS section of this blog.

I hope you'll visit through the Race site as they are donating to help the Rainforest when you click a button. If you register, they'll donate up to once a day because you visit their site and click a button. Pretty easy.


Who can you send a card to that isn't expecting it?

The South Beach Diet™ Online

What it is
The South Beach Diet™ was developed by renowned cardiologist, Dr. Arthur Agatston. Rather than focusing on low-fat or low-carb foods, Dr. Agatston recommends a balanced diet that incorporates good fats and good carbs, and lots of delicious food! This “smart carb” diet consists of Three Phases:

Phase 1: Start Losing Weight. This is a two-week period of eating proteins – like meat, chicken, and fish – and plenty of vegetables, eggs, cheese, and nuts. You’ll cut out bread, pasta, and fruit – to help you banish cravings for unhealthy carbs. But don’t worry – you’ll add them back in!
Phase 2: Reintroduce Carbs. Add your favorite whole wheat bread, pasta, and fruits back into your diet. You’ll stay in Phase 2 until you’ve reached all your weight-loss goals.
Phase 3: Your Diet For Life. Nothing’s off limits in this phase. You’ll continue to follow the basic principles to maintain your weight and feel healthy.

Why it works The South Beach Diet™ Online takes all the benefits of the delicious diet and combines them with all the benefits of dieting online! It’s fun, effective, and delicious:

Is The South Beach Diet™ Online Right For You?
With so many diets out there – low fat, low carb, low calorie – it can be confusing trying to figure out which is right for you. What’s unique about the South Beach Diet™ is that it’s not low fat or low carb, but rather – the diet incorporates good carbs and good fats. This allows you to eat normally and deliciously! In fact, many people feel they are able to eat all their favorite foods and still lose weight.

And now that the New York Times bestselling diet is online – losing weight is easier than ever. As an online member, you’ll have access to a database of over 800 delicious recipes, 12 weight-loss tools, five online nutritionists, and more. Plus, you can even ask Dr. Agatston – the creator of the diet – your own personal questions!

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